Four new papers out in March and April 2020

Four papers all came out right around the same time, in March and April of this year. Two were led by Kadeem Gilbert and were about microbial communities in different Nepenthes pitcher plants from Southeast Asia: “Tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes) act as ecological filters by altering properties of their fluid microenvironments” and “Investigation of an elevational gradient reveals strong differences between bacterial and eukaryotic communities coinhabiting Nepenthes phytotelmata”. One was led by Lauren Shoemaker and Allie Barner, and came out of a Research Jam they initiated at the Santa Fe Institute: “Quantifying the relative importance of variation in predation and the environment for species coexistence”. And the final one was the main paper coming out of my postdoc: “Context-dependent dynamics lead to the assembly of functionally distinct microbial communities”. Very exciting to have them all published!